Friday, June 8, 2012

Last Month

I thought it was time to catch everyone up, and tell you what's been going on in the last month:

* I accepted a job in UT as a Lowe's paint associate. I took a small pay cut,but it is worth not having to deal with all the responsibilities. I am still adjusting to not being the boss. There are so many things I would like to change in my dept, but I know it is not my place.

* I moved to UT and am living with my Grandma Karlson. I have what used to be the pink room downstairs. I have since then painted it. One wall orange, one wall green, and the other two white, as well as the ceiling. I now remember why I don't care to paint.

* I have learned to splice wires. I purchased a hanging lamp from IKEA that was supposed to be direct wire, but I turned it into a plug in lamp instead.

* I have mastered driving to work on State street. It currently takes me about 25 minutes to get to work, and is taking more gas than I realized.

* I was sick for over a week with a upper respiratory and ear infection. I missed a week of work, which I wasn't to happy about. It wasn't a great impression to be at my new job for a week, and then be out a week. I went to work the next week. The week after that I was sick again, and was out of work for 5 days. I tried to go to work on Friday, but they wouldn't let me because my Dr. hadn't excused me. The Dr. said I have mucus behind my ears, and gave me some meds. I have an appt. next Friday to see an ENT, so I can get a second opinion on my sinuses and have her look at my ears. What really frustrates me is, is I am a hard worker, but my first impression was not a good one. That just means I need to work harder and show my fellow associates that I do know how to work

* I have yet to make any friends. I am trying to stay positive, and know that it will take time. I have no life and spend all my extra time with my grandma. I am only abe to attend church on Sunday a month, and that is hard.

* I am going to be taking golf lessons. They were supposed to start on Tuesday, but it was to windy. I am really excited to get out there and learn something new.

* I have found some really good places to eat. I had noodles and company tonight. Really good mac and cheese. Also Red Mango frozen yogurt. All the yogurt is fat free. The Honey Baked Ham has really good sandwiches, In and Out Burger, Costco sandwiches and Gelato, Sensational Sandwiches, and Chick Fillet.

* Hobby Lobby is a really fun store. They have so much baking stuff and it is reasonably priced. I saw on pintrest how to color your own cupcake liners, and I got some food coloring there for really cheap. I am excited to try out this new project.

Hopefully I will be able to write more often now that my laptop is working with grandma's Internet.
Hope everyone has a good day, until next time.

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