Sunday, January 22, 2012

For the lack of activities I had going this weekend, I decided to rent some movies from redbox. I can honestly say I am a fan of redbox, but sometimes they don't have much of a selection. I have found the redboxs at Wallgreens are the best to go to because they have 2, but the downside is... it's outside and it was cold on Friday. Nevertheless, I went and stood in the cold and rented me a couple of movies. Glee: In Concert, and Beastley. Just watching Safety Dance and the Warblers made renting Glee worth it. I watched Safety Dance a few times and thought of how when driving down the road with Stacey, we put it on and it would calm down Tayden. Beastley was like a modern day Beauty and the Beast. I enjoyed it, but glad I didn't go to the theatre to watch it.

Next week: Who knows? Maybe Dolphin Tale or Planet of the Apes.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I thought about the same thing with Safety Dance. Funny tayden. Just watched dolphin tale. We really liked it.
