First: Correction on the last entry, I hurt my behind in July, not June.
Sunday, Grandma and I went to church. Not gonna lie, Sunday school was boring. It took a lot to follow where the teacher was going, he skipped from scripture to scripture. I couldn't follow, and the chairs was hurting my bum.
Relief Society was awesome and so uplifting. The lesson was on "Who's line are you on?" Are you on the right side with Heavenly Father or on the wrong with Satan? It made me think of all the times when little things like not going to the rest of my church meetings is putting me closer to Satan's side, and not my Heavenly Fathers. Those "little" things that we think won't make a difference are really pulling us in the wrong direction.
During this lesson, our teacher donned a camo shirt and hat. She was our "troop" leader. We were her cadets, and we were going to become stronger so we wouldn't be pulled to closer to the other side. We stood up and began marching in place. And began to repeat after her.
Sisters in Zion Boot Camp
Women warriors we can be
Live our lives more valiantly
Buff and beautiful that's right
As we spread the gospel light
We're tough
We're Buff
We're made...of the...right stuff!
With the shield of faith we'll go
Armed with truth to fight the foe
We can stand those fiery darts
Because the Savior's in our hearts
Stay strong
Stay true
That is...what we... can do!
Agency is a gift from God
The power to choose the path I trod
When I make a really good choice
Satan's devils have no voice
Choose truth
Choose light
I will choose... the right!
We'll stay strong and we'll stay true
'Cause Father's promises are sure
If we choose to do what's right
Eternal blessings are in sight
Stay strong
Stay pure
We know...we can...endure!
My Father's King of Heaven and Earth
That makes me of Royal Birth
Like a star-filled night I'll shine
Because by nature I'm divine
Star light
Star bright
That's right...shine bright...tonight!
With one voice we will speak out
We can whisper, we can shout
Dispel the darkness with our light
Arise shine forth with all your might
Shine light
Shine bright
Go forth...with all...your might!
It was a lot of fun, and a lesson I won't be forgetting anytime soon.
"And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of GOOD CHEER, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours." D&C 78:18
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Been awhile....
So, as most people have noticed, I haven't updated my blog in awhile. No really good excuse, my laptop was dead, and I found the cord packed away in a box, that I forgotten had existed. Yeah, I found it!!
June: Stacey and Echo were in Pocatello, and Grandma and I had decided to go up for a couple of days.
While we were there, we all decided to go swimming at Lava Hot Springs. We got there, got in the water. Coda and I went up to the slide that goes over the road. I remember thinking, "wow, this is higher than the tallest diving board, if I can go on this, I can go on the diving board." I screamed all the way down. Coda had a big smile on his face. He decided to go on the other. I was talking to Echo, and convinced myself I could go off the highest platfoarm, it's not that high. I got to the first platform, looked at Echo, and she pointed up. I continued to climb.
Got to the top, and looked down. Crap, it was higher than I thought. I remember thinking "What's the worst that could happen?" The lifeguard had given me the signal, and I jumped off. My heart jumped into my throat, and I thought, Oh, crap this was not a wise decision. I landed in the water, and felt immediate pain in my back. I got to the surface, and could barely swim because of the pain. I yelled to the lifeguard for help. I said help 2 times, before he realized I was in trouble.
Funny thing: Echo and I had laughed earlier, thinking the lifeguard didn't look more than 15, and not much muscle. He didn't look like he could do much.
I was wrong, he saved me. He blew his whistle and jumped in the water. He swam over to me, and told me to relax and he would help me. I told him if he could get me to water where I could touch, I would be fine. We got to the edge of the water, and my mom was right there. Apparently Echo and found my mom and told her it was because it was me. I remember telling them I needed to stand up because I was going to throw up. I was trembling so hard, I couldn't talk. Mom kept asking where I hurt, but I could answer. The only thing I could say, was I am going to throw up.
They wanted to call an ambulance. I refused. I didn't want to pay the price for them to come pick me up. I would be fine. Then they insisted they take me out on a backboard. I tried everything I could do to get out of that. I said to give me a few minutes, and I would be fine. I went out on a backboard, and now everyone knew how much I weighed.
They took me to the first aid room. They asked me some questions, and I answered. They asked me if I had signed the waiver. What waiver? Oh, I was supposed to sign a waiver if I went on the platforms. Huh. I would sign it then, if they needed me to. I hadn't planned on getting any gumption to go off any platform, there for I didn't sign one.
They kept on asking if I wanted to go to the hospital. No, I was fine. THEN, they asked me to sit up. Nope, not going to happen the way they wanted me to. Took me about 3 minutes, when I convinced myself to sit up. Oh My Heck, that was painful. Everything hurt. Standing up, walking, that was going to take a minute. Stacey walked in with Tayden. He looked so scared. I assured him I was fine, I think he gave me a hug and then they left.
I was able to walk out on my own. They gave me an ice pack, and I went and laid down on our blanket. I was advised to go to the hospital. I didn't. I went into the water later, and it took pressure of my backside. It felt Great!
I was supposed to be driving back to Utah the next morning because I had to work the next day. As I was contemplating on where to sleep that night, Grandma offered up her air mattress and she would sleep on the couch next to me. I sat down, and almost cried. I couldn't sit or lay down. Trying to get in the middle of the mattress was the most excrutating pain I have ever been in. Mom touched my back to wipe off some of the icy hot, and I almost came out of my skin. Mom felt so bad. Didn't sleep much that night, got up in the morning, realized I wouldn't be driving, and called in to work.
I finally went to the doctor about 1 1/2 week after it happened. Took x-rays. They told me I had a bruised tailbone, but not broken. I would be in pain for awhile.
I am still in pain. Can't sit for over an hour, without my butt feeling like it will fall off. My back and backside hurt almost everyday, but it is slowing getting better.
Lesson learned: I am not young anymore. I don't heal quickly. I have done something I had always wanted to do, but it will NEVER happen again. I still have a sick feeling when I think about what I did. If you have to convince yourself to do something, it is probably not worth it.m The Lord blessed me that day. He blessed me in the way of letting me walk to the car to go home and not feel as much pain until I got home. He blessed me with a great family who cares about well being. He blessed me with family members who I was able to make laugh as I retold what happened.
June: Stacey and Echo were in Pocatello, and Grandma and I had decided to go up for a couple of days.
While we were there, we all decided to go swimming at Lava Hot Springs. We got there, got in the water. Coda and I went up to the slide that goes over the road. I remember thinking, "wow, this is higher than the tallest diving board, if I can go on this, I can go on the diving board." I screamed all the way down. Coda had a big smile on his face. He decided to go on the other. I was talking to Echo, and convinced myself I could go off the highest platfoarm, it's not that high. I got to the first platform, looked at Echo, and she pointed up. I continued to climb.
Got to the top, and looked down. Crap, it was higher than I thought. I remember thinking "What's the worst that could happen?" The lifeguard had given me the signal, and I jumped off. My heart jumped into my throat, and I thought, Oh, crap this was not a wise decision. I landed in the water, and felt immediate pain in my back. I got to the surface, and could barely swim because of the pain. I yelled to the lifeguard for help. I said help 2 times, before he realized I was in trouble.
Funny thing: Echo and I had laughed earlier, thinking the lifeguard didn't look more than 15, and not much muscle. He didn't look like he could do much.
I was wrong, he saved me. He blew his whistle and jumped in the water. He swam over to me, and told me to relax and he would help me. I told him if he could get me to water where I could touch, I would be fine. We got to the edge of the water, and my mom was right there. Apparently Echo and found my mom and told her it was because it was me. I remember telling them I needed to stand up because I was going to throw up. I was trembling so hard, I couldn't talk. Mom kept asking where I hurt, but I could answer. The only thing I could say, was I am going to throw up.
They wanted to call an ambulance. I refused. I didn't want to pay the price for them to come pick me up. I would be fine. Then they insisted they take me out on a backboard. I tried everything I could do to get out of that. I said to give me a few minutes, and I would be fine. I went out on a backboard, and now everyone knew how much I weighed.
They took me to the first aid room. They asked me some questions, and I answered. They asked me if I had signed the waiver. What waiver? Oh, I was supposed to sign a waiver if I went on the platforms. Huh. I would sign it then, if they needed me to. I hadn't planned on getting any gumption to go off any platform, there for I didn't sign one.
They kept on asking if I wanted to go to the hospital. No, I was fine. THEN, they asked me to sit up. Nope, not going to happen the way they wanted me to. Took me about 3 minutes, when I convinced myself to sit up. Oh My Heck, that was painful. Everything hurt. Standing up, walking, that was going to take a minute. Stacey walked in with Tayden. He looked so scared. I assured him I was fine, I think he gave me a hug and then they left.
I was able to walk out on my own. They gave me an ice pack, and I went and laid down on our blanket. I was advised to go to the hospital. I didn't. I went into the water later, and it took pressure of my backside. It felt Great!
I was supposed to be driving back to Utah the next morning because I had to work the next day. As I was contemplating on where to sleep that night, Grandma offered up her air mattress and she would sleep on the couch next to me. I sat down, and almost cried. I couldn't sit or lay down. Trying to get in the middle of the mattress was the most excrutating pain I have ever been in. Mom touched my back to wipe off some of the icy hot, and I almost came out of my skin. Mom felt so bad. Didn't sleep much that night, got up in the morning, realized I wouldn't be driving, and called in to work.
I finally went to the doctor about 1 1/2 week after it happened. Took x-rays. They told me I had a bruised tailbone, but not broken. I would be in pain for awhile.
I am still in pain. Can't sit for over an hour, without my butt feeling like it will fall off. My back and backside hurt almost everyday, but it is slowing getting better.
Lesson learned: I am not young anymore. I don't heal quickly. I have done something I had always wanted to do, but it will NEVER happen again. I still have a sick feeling when I think about what I did. If you have to convince yourself to do something, it is probably not worth it.m The Lord blessed me that day. He blessed me in the way of letting me walk to the car to go home and not feel as much pain until I got home. He blessed me with a great family who cares about well being. He blessed me with family members who I was able to make laugh as I retold what happened.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Last Month
I thought it was time to catch everyone up, and tell you what's been going on in the last month:
* I accepted a job in UT as a Lowe's paint associate. I took a small pay cut,but it is worth not having to deal with all the responsibilities. I am still adjusting to not being the boss. There are so many things I would like to change in my dept, but I know it is not my place.
* I moved to UT and am living with my Grandma Karlson. I have what used to be the pink room downstairs. I have since then painted it. One wall orange, one wall green, and the other two white, as well as the ceiling. I now remember why I don't care to paint.
* I have learned to splice wires. I purchased a hanging lamp from IKEA that was supposed to be direct wire, but I turned it into a plug in lamp instead.
* I have mastered driving to work on State street. It currently takes me about 25 minutes to get to work, and is taking more gas than I realized.
* I was sick for over a week with a upper respiratory and ear infection. I missed a week of work, which I wasn't to happy about. It wasn't a great impression to be at my new job for a week, and then be out a week. I went to work the next week. The week after that I was sick again, and was out of work for 5 days. I tried to go to work on Friday, but they wouldn't let me because my Dr. hadn't excused me. The Dr. said I have mucus behind my ears, and gave me some meds. I have an appt. next Friday to see an ENT, so I can get a second opinion on my sinuses and have her look at my ears. What really frustrates me is, is I am a hard worker, but my first impression was not a good one. That just means I need to work harder and show my fellow associates that I do know how to work
* I have yet to make any friends. I am trying to stay positive, and know that it will take time. I have no life and spend all my extra time with my grandma. I am only abe to attend church on Sunday a month, and that is hard.
* I am going to be taking golf lessons. They were supposed to start on Tuesday, but it was to windy. I am really excited to get out there and learn something new.
* I have found some really good places to eat. I had noodles and company tonight. Really good mac and cheese. Also Red Mango frozen yogurt. All the yogurt is fat free. The Honey Baked Ham has really good sandwiches, In and Out Burger, Costco sandwiches and Gelato, Sensational Sandwiches, and Chick Fillet.
* Hobby Lobby is a really fun store. They have so much baking stuff and it is reasonably priced. I saw on pintrest how to color your own cupcake liners, and I got some food coloring there for really cheap. I am excited to try out this new project.
Hopefully I will be able to write more often now that my laptop is working with grandma's Internet.
Hope everyone has a good day, until next time.
* I accepted a job in UT as a Lowe's paint associate. I took a small pay cut,but it is worth not having to deal with all the responsibilities. I am still adjusting to not being the boss. There are so many things I would like to change in my dept, but I know it is not my place.
* I moved to UT and am living with my Grandma Karlson. I have what used to be the pink room downstairs. I have since then painted it. One wall orange, one wall green, and the other two white, as well as the ceiling. I now remember why I don't care to paint.
* I have learned to splice wires. I purchased a hanging lamp from IKEA that was supposed to be direct wire, but I turned it into a plug in lamp instead.
* I have mastered driving to work on State street. It currently takes me about 25 minutes to get to work, and is taking more gas than I realized.
* I was sick for over a week with a upper respiratory and ear infection. I missed a week of work, which I wasn't to happy about. It wasn't a great impression to be at my new job for a week, and then be out a week. I went to work the next week. The week after that I was sick again, and was out of work for 5 days. I tried to go to work on Friday, but they wouldn't let me because my Dr. hadn't excused me. The Dr. said I have mucus behind my ears, and gave me some meds. I have an appt. next Friday to see an ENT, so I can get a second opinion on my sinuses and have her look at my ears. What really frustrates me is, is I am a hard worker, but my first impression was not a good one. That just means I need to work harder and show my fellow associates that I do know how to work
* I have yet to make any friends. I am trying to stay positive, and know that it will take time. I have no life and spend all my extra time with my grandma. I am only abe to attend church on Sunday a month, and that is hard.
* I am going to be taking golf lessons. They were supposed to start on Tuesday, but it was to windy. I am really excited to get out there and learn something new.
* I have found some really good places to eat. I had noodles and company tonight. Really good mac and cheese. Also Red Mango frozen yogurt. All the yogurt is fat free. The Honey Baked Ham has really good sandwiches, In and Out Burger, Costco sandwiches and Gelato, Sensational Sandwiches, and Chick Fillet.
* Hobby Lobby is a really fun store. They have so much baking stuff and it is reasonably priced. I saw on pintrest how to color your own cupcake liners, and I got some food coloring there for really cheap. I am excited to try out this new project.
Hopefully I will be able to write more often now that my laptop is working with grandma's Internet.
Hope everyone has a good day, until next time.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
3 Fears
I have thought about this for awhile, and not quite sure what to write. This is what I have come up with.
1. I am afraid that while I am home alone at night, someone is going to break into my house and rape me.It is one of the main reasons I want to get my concealed weapons permit. I want to be able to defend myself. I don't think I ever really thought too much about it, until I took a RAD (Rape aggression defense) in college. Hearing the stories that happened to those women and men make me cringe.
2. I fear large open spaces. I know it sounds bizarre, but I remember going to Island Park when I was younger when Yellowstone had a fire going. What if the fire came to us and we had no way out. We were surrounded by trees that were all on fire, we can't out run that. I would think about it every time we went up to the cabin. I liked riding the mini bikes, but not in the woods. What if we got lost, and couldn't find our way back? What if we got chased by a bear or moose? It makes my heart pump just thinking about it. Yikes.
3. I have an irrational fear of getting a flat tire on the interstate and getting into a wreck. I'm not sure where this fear has come from, but I always check my tires before I drive anywhere. I would hate to be in the middle of Salt Lake and get a flat tire. Would someone let me over? I don't even know where my tire is located in my car, that could be a problem :) I do however know how to change a tire. I would rather help someone else, than try to change my own.
1. I am afraid that while I am home alone at night, someone is going to break into my house and rape me.It is one of the main reasons I want to get my concealed weapons permit. I want to be able to defend myself. I don't think I ever really thought too much about it, until I took a RAD (Rape aggression defense) in college. Hearing the stories that happened to those women and men make me cringe.
2. I fear large open spaces. I know it sounds bizarre, but I remember going to Island Park when I was younger when Yellowstone had a fire going. What if the fire came to us and we had no way out. We were surrounded by trees that were all on fire, we can't out run that. I would think about it every time we went up to the cabin. I liked riding the mini bikes, but not in the woods. What if we got lost, and couldn't find our way back? What if we got chased by a bear or moose? It makes my heart pump just thinking about it. Yikes.
3. I have an irrational fear of getting a flat tire on the interstate and getting into a wreck. I'm not sure where this fear has come from, but I always check my tires before I drive anywhere. I would hate to be in the middle of Salt Lake and get a flat tire. Would someone let me over? I don't even know where my tire is located in my car, that could be a problem :) I do however know how to change a tire. I would rather help someone else, than try to change my own.
Friday, April 27, 2012
30 day challenge
As I was reading Stacey's blog, I thought I can do this. I will probably do the same thing, only a couple a week. The next few weeks are going to be busy, with moving, and getting settled in.
#1 20 Random facts about me:
1. I love chocolate. Milk, dark, white.
2. I am addicted to watching Cops on Saturday nights at 7pm
3. I am also a list maker. I make lists when I have a day off and need to do things, packing, finances, food, etc.
4. I have a fetish for jewelry. Even though I can't wear it to work very often, I love buying it.
5. I never been kissed.
6. I own more than 200 DVD's.
7. I own a PT Cruiser, but looking to upgrade to a car with 4WD
8. I have been with Lowe's for almost 7 years. Started out as a returns cashier and made my way up to department manager.
9. I have a small bladder. I drink one small can of pop, and I will be up all night peeing.
10. My favorite color is red.
11. I love to buy things and use them for different things. Example: I bought a vessel (sink) and intended on using if for a fruit bowl. I bought a wine rack wanting to use it for a decorative towel rack.
12. I like to shop for small kitchen appliances and different gadgets.
13. I like Tracy Chapman.
14. I am not photogenic.
15. When making lists, if I make a list and I mess up, I have to write another one.
16. I work in the paint dep, but I hate to paint.
17. I like having my nails done because it makes me feel feminine.
18. I haven't been on a date in over a year.
19. I have a pollup in my left nostril which makes it hard to breath sometimes.
20. I don't like cherry flavored cough drops, candy, or juice. But I like fresh cherries.
#1 20 Random facts about me:
1. I love chocolate. Milk, dark, white.
2. I am addicted to watching Cops on Saturday nights at 7pm
3. I am also a list maker. I make lists when I have a day off and need to do things, packing, finances, food, etc.
4. I have a fetish for jewelry. Even though I can't wear it to work very often, I love buying it.
5. I never been kissed.
6. I own more than 200 DVD's.
7. I own a PT Cruiser, but looking to upgrade to a car with 4WD
8. I have been with Lowe's for almost 7 years. Started out as a returns cashier and made my way up to department manager.
9. I have a small bladder. I drink one small can of pop, and I will be up all night peeing.
10. My favorite color is red.
11. I love to buy things and use them for different things. Example: I bought a vessel (sink) and intended on using if for a fruit bowl. I bought a wine rack wanting to use it for a decorative towel rack.
12. I like to shop for small kitchen appliances and different gadgets.
13. I like Tracy Chapman.
14. I am not photogenic.
15. When making lists, if I make a list and I mess up, I have to write another one.
16. I work in the paint dep, but I hate to paint.
17. I like having my nails done because it makes me feel feminine.
18. I haven't been on a date in over a year.
19. I have a pollup in my left nostril which makes it hard to breath sometimes.
20. I don't like cherry flavored cough drops, candy, or juice. But I like fresh cherries.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
New Cake Pan/ Sunflower cake
Cake Pan
So good news, I figured out how to put pictures up, and center them, now if I could figure out how to type before the pictures, I would be estatic, and I could make the blog look like I want . More good news: In our manager meeting today, I was asked by our store manager to make some more "cheeseburger" cupcakes for our bakesale this week. So I will be up late Thursday making a few dozen cupcakes.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
I had last Thursday off, and I decided to try and make my own tuxedo cake. I had this vision of making individual portions, almost like an appitizer size. I went searching for the perfect size of countainer I could use for a mold. Walking around Walmart, I came up with this idea of using a can of some sort. I ended up buying some tomato paste, opening both ends and using that as my mold. I was pretty happy with myelf. ( Now we have a container of tomato paste to use) I made a german chocolate cake using a jelly roll cake pan. Made instant chocolate mousse, no bake cheesecake, and chocolate ganache with sugar free chocolate chips. I then layered everything into my "molds." Refridgerated for an hour and half and pushed them out. I truely believe with a little tweeking, they will be a winning desert.
Also, mom wanted me to make chicken-spinach stramboli for dinner, so I took pictures of that as well. It is really yummy, and so easy to make.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
new computer
I bought a laptop today!! This is the first time typing on it. Wish me luck that I will be able to get it figured out and get it working. I am learning all sorts of things about it. It has a camera. Who would have thunk it? As soon as I can figure it out, maybe I can skype on it. Neat. Once I get it set up, I will put some pictures of it on.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
We are having a bake sale to raise money for MDA. Every year I get asked what I am bringing. This year I made cheeseburger made out of cupcakes. Super Easy. I hope they will help raise money.
Every now and then I get an inkling to be crafty. This is the latest batch. Spring to come soon. (Hopefully :)
I have decided to move to Pleasant Grove, Ut to live with Grandma Karlson. The problem now is trying to get a transfer. I had an interview last week, but I didn't get the job. I have put in for so many different postitions, and it's get frusterating, but I know the Lord has a plan for me, I just don't see it right now.
I have also decided to go back to school and get my business degree. Working on buying a laptop, and getting set up to take some online classes.
Cross your fingers and your toes that I am able to find a job, and get started on school. I could use all the good luck I can get.
*I am still getting used this blogging thing. I have figured out how to center the pictures (thanks Stace), but now I can't figure out how to get the pictures in the right order. I wanted the pictures of the cupcakes to go at the bottom, but it was no use and I was getting flustered, so I quit, and did them at the beginning. If anyone has any pointers, please let me know.
Love you all,
Sunday, January 22, 2012
For the lack of activities I had going this weekend, I decided to rent some movies from redbox. I can honestly say I am a fan of redbox, but sometimes they don't have much of a selection. I have found the redboxs at Wallgreens are the best to go to because they have 2, but the downside is... it's outside and it was cold on Friday. Nevertheless, I went and stood in the cold and rented me a couple of movies. Glee: In Concert, and Beastley. Just watching Safety Dance and the Warblers made renting Glee worth it. I watched Safety Dance a few times and thought of how when driving down the road with Stacey, we put it on and it would calm down Tayden. Beastley was like a modern day Beauty and the Beast. I enjoyed it, but glad I didn't go to the theatre to watch it.
Next week: Who knows? Maybe Dolphin Tale or Planet of the Apes.
Next week: Who knows? Maybe Dolphin Tale or Planet of the Apes.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
So Imagine...
Close your eyes and imagine a warm and juicy apple strudel stamboli. Hot juices running out the sides, cream cheese of sweetness, and a taste of brown sugar strudel to top it off.
When making it, I thought this is going to be great.
See previously in the week I made a spinach and chicken stramboli that was really good. So good that we didn't have any left overs. I thought to myself, I think an cream cheese apple would be to die for.
It came out looking like this...
However, the white chicken chili came out pretty nice.
So, I figured out how to add pictures, now if I could figure out how to get them to be straight, I would be really happy.
Any help would be appreciated. I could give you my password and you could do it for me (hopeful voice)...
Love ya all!!
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